Category: Uncategorized

  • Conor Oberst

    I had never heard of Conor Oberst or Bright Eyes before I became friends with Kristan. She was(still is) IN LOVE with the moody front man. I didn’t catch on until I started listening to some of his more energetic offerings recently. Let’s start with an example. This is the sort of music that I…

  • Jawbreaker

    Speaking of some old music. Here’s what came up on Spotify to pique my interest in Jawbreaker. There was something smart,  haunting, and melodic about this that really grabbed me. It hasn’t been my day for a couple years. What’s a couple more?

  • Jets To Brazil

    I’ve been using Spotify a lot lately and went through a slump for a week where it didn’t really show me anything that great. Then all of the sudden earlier in the week it decided to knock my socks off with some old music I had never heard before. I think I used Jawbreaker as…

  • BTC Trading Insanity

    I’ve been flailing around trying to figure out how trading BitCoins works. I haven’t really DONE any trading – but check out these crazy graphs over at There is so much going on. Click on all the things. You’ll see.

  • Tech Weekend – HTTPS Everywhere

    To improve privacy and security HTTPS should be used everywhere. It SHOULD be the default option. Unfortunately this isn’t always the case. Even worse, you have no idea what the browser is doing behind your back. For instance – this site you’re reading now is going off and contacting Google Analytics and downloading images from…

  • Tech Weekend – TrueCrypt

    Since I have a BitCoin Wallet now I figure I should probably have an encrypted offline storage mechanism for all the keys and the wallet file itself. If best practices have been followed then your Wallet is password protected already, but let’s go ONE MORE step and encrypt them on a USB drive. So far…

  • Tech Weekend – Barley

    I realized I’ve been seriously neglecting my blog. Mike Rundle (@flyosity) posted a quick link to Barley showing they had Word Press support. I watched the video and was pretty impressed. WYSIWYG editing for a blog. I just GO to the site and can start typing into the web page. AWESOME!   I’m having some…

  • Tech Weekend – BitCoin

    Project #1 Today: BitCoin Today’s first item on the agenda was to figure out how BitCoin works and then invest some money into the thing. I had thought that anonymity was a cool part of BitCoin but it looks like if you ALSO want the convenience of sitting in your underwear at home you’ll need…

  • Tech Thanksgiving

    Work has been insane lately. Big projects all happening at the same time and things going wrong unexpectedly. I’m writing because I finally have a 4 day break from work. 4 days is just long enough to stop thinking about all the stressful things I’m confronted with during a normal day. With these 4 days…

  • BANG!

    This morning around 8:10AM I was checking the news, traffic, and weather before making the trip into work. Out of nowhere I heard a huge thud and immediately went to look out on the street for the car crash I knew must have happened. It shook my chair and I’m on the 6th floor! I…