• Bread Box Assembly

    Bread Box Assembly

    Yesterday Kat pulled out a bread box that had been hiding in our pantry since we moved downtown. Before that, it had been tucked away in our basement ever since I moved into Kat’s house. Long neglected, it still looked amazing sitting on the counter under the cabinet lighting. This made me think a lot…

  • 2024 Summary

    2024 Summary

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted. In fact, this is the first post of 2024. It’s been a whirlwind of a year. The year started out spending lots of time with friends and saying an untimely, final goodbye in January. Lots of memories and pictures were shared, drinks were had, and tears were shed.…

  • Measuring AT&T Internet Bandwidth with Python, InfluxDB, and Grafana

    Measuring AT&T Internet Bandwidth with Python, InfluxDB, and Grafana

    Any technical system you build inevitably slides into decay as the ecosystem you’ve borrowed from upgrades slowly over time while you’re off doing other things. The parts you custom tailored now no longer fit. Some of the suppliers go out of business. Some changed businesses altogether. That’s where I find myself with my home network…

  • A Deepness in the Sky

    A Deepness in the Sky

    Here’s my review of A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge. I’m not leaving reviews on Goodreads anymore, but it felt like this deserved a mention somewhere publicly. Five stars. Highly recommended. Would read again. I picked up A Deepness in the Sky on a rainy day Oak Island friends beach trip after looking…

  • Cascais, PT

    Cascais, PT

    I tried surfing at Guincho Beach in Cascais, Portugal. I feel like I did a pretty terrible job, but Kat and Elly were awesome. The scenery and waves could not be beat!

  • Bernd das Brot

    Bernd das Brot

    One of my favorite parts of visiting Germany is Bernd das Brot. Whenever you turn on the kids cartoon channel at night you can find Bernd hanging out grumbling about his situation. On this trip, he’s become AstroBrot, floating through space looking for peace and quiet, but constantly interrupted by satellites blaring phone calls and…

  • Halle, DE

    Halle, DE

    After quite a travel ordeal we made it to Leipzig, Germany and then over to Halle. Here’s a picture of us in front of the Handel statue in Halle to prove it. In Halle they’re very proud of Handel. In Leipzig they go nuts over Bach and Goethe. Every city has their famous person. I…

  • Just Because

    Just Because

  • NOC Runnaversary

    NOC Runnaversary

    Kat and I met at the Fullsteam Run Club in Durham on June 3rd. That makes this our runnaversary. We try to do something outdoorsy in spirit of this tradition. The most recent trip was the Nanthahala Outdoor Center for rafting and mountain biking. We had an excellent time as you can see from the…

  • Becoming Anti-social

    Becoming Anti-social

    This isn’t about becoming anti-social in the traditional sense, but more anti-social media. Asocial would be a more accurate term. A few years back I made a decision to disconnect from most social media platforms. If you wanted to get in touch with me or know what I was doing, you would have to see…


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