BBBBurns – License Plate
I’m a pretty big geek as I’m sure everyone knows by now. So here’s the coolest thing I’ve done lately:
CCIE Study
So I brought home some books and have some material here for CCIE studying. I think it’s finally time I started since I posted about it a LONG LONG time ago. So hopefully I’ll stick to studying for the next few months and you guys won’t be seeing too much of me. If you do…
This Is Sparta!
This entry is dedicated to Sparta and all of the awesome images the Internet has collectively come up with since 300 came out. Enjoy.
Labor Day Weekend 07
Labor day weekend has been a glorious time so far. It started out with motorcycles, moved on to drinking, and finished up with a slip and slide party. I’m using today as a recovery day. I hurt everywhere from that damn slip and slide. Apparently the ground is hard as hell at Kaufman’s house. Pretty…
Done With Dune
I just finished the 6th book in Frank Herbert’s Dune series. A thought came to me. “I am the destroyer of words.” When I woke up this morning at 11:30 (I was up until 3 reading) I started reading another book. I want to find some kind of application like maybe an Amazon list that…
Moving to Serendipity
No looking back! I’m ditching my custom blog application and moving over to Serendipity. It’s got all of these cool features that would take me WAY to long to program. You can still catch my old blog at http://bbbburns.com/burnsblog/ but everything going to bbbburns.com should punt you right to /blog/ for serendipity.
Slow day at work!
Today we had a slow day at work. This was quite possibly the best thing that could ever happen to me. I worked on an escalation, worked on my backlog, and just got to sit there without the phone ringing off the hook. I even got to close a 70 day old case. A very…
I’m just finishing up the Dune series by Frank Herbert. This was recommended to me by Justin who got me interested in it with his Tattoo of the Litany. Litany Against Fear I’m reading the 6th book now which was the last one written by Frank Herbert. There are more books but written by his…
So I’m considering moving all future blog posts to a Serendipity CMS http://bbbburns.com/serendipity. It wasn’t too much work to make an RSS feed that dumped ALL of my old entries into the new CMS system.. After that I had some formatting issues that were quickly fixed with update serendipity.serendipity_entries s, www.blog b set s.body =…
Gone to Vegas
I just got back from Networkers in Cali and now it’s time to take a trip to Vegas for Defcon. As soon as I get back from Defcon I’ll be headed to a Dropkick show somewhere near some sort of beach. Pictures to follow after August 9th. Until then.. I’m out of here.