Category: Uncategorized
So Busy
They were all right. Grad school is so much work as a GA. Tutoring is very demanding. The classes are demanding. Life is just hard. The rest of my life is put on hold, and I am dedicated to RIT. They own my soul. They own my mind. They own me.
If you’re looking for nanotubes nanowires or other nano goods, you should consider giving the Atomate website a try. mmm nanotube mmm nanowire 😉
Recently registered a new domain for our business endeavors, and for fun. This domain is simply amazing. That’s all I can say. oh, and Fuck We’re Smart!
Log Monitoring
I really can’t find a good log monitoring GUI based tool for linux that does all the things I want it to: Filtering based on regexp, including any arbitray number of lines before and after matched lines, and the ability to expand and collapse the view of those included lines. along with the ability to…
End of Summer
Summer is quickly coming to a close. There are a few exciting things that happened since my last update. Jen threw a bachelorette party for her sister Jessica. She had a pretty good time and stole.. er borrowed.. my camera for the trip up to Canada. So, she took her mom, aunt Linda, cousin Amanda,…
Summertime Blues
Working over the summer in Rochester pretty much sucks. I would much rather be enjoying the sunshine during the day. I would much rather be working on setting up my servers and all kinds of crazy computer stuff. On top of that I dont feel like i’m making enough money to make the whole venture…
Graduation and Summer
Graduation is over and done with. The pictures of it are up in my picture gallery under the graduation section. I moved some of the galleries around a little bit.. hopefully everything makes more sense that way. Graduation was kind of cool. There were a whole lot of people there, and I’m glad my family…
Party Weekend
This was a great weekend for parties. Jen came up to visit on thursday night. That was a great surprise because I didn’t think that she was going to make it. We managed to have a really fun time with the weekend. We went bowling, went shopping, and then drank with the guys every night.…
Break at Last
So, my break finally got here. I’m definitely happy about that. I get a week to do whatever I like. I only have a few things that I’m really responsible for doing, and I have the rest of the time to just read the paper and catch up on TV. 😉 I’ve turned the last…
Secret Asian Man
Brenton sparked this post. He needs to come back to RIT to visit. Doesnt eveyone agree? He’s got this job with the #removed for security reasons# or something like that. No one even knows. It’s so secret that I don’t even think he knows, because his story is never the same when you ask him…