Category: Uncategorized

  • Graphic Designer Extraordinaire

    So I know this girl who is a sweet graphic designer. Her name is Val Ryan and her site is at If you need anything designed she can make it happen. Take a look at her portfolio, I think you’ll like it. If you’re in the mood to hire a designer full-time she could…

  • Yamaha FZ6 – My Baby

    I got my bike on Tuesday this week and I’ve been so busy riding it that I haven’t had a chance to post about it. I’ve put on about 223 miles so far. It’s probably the coolest thing I’ve ever owned. Nothing I’ve ever had my hands on even comes close to this. I’ve been…

  • Keg Stands

    This weekend went pretty well besides all of the work. Thursday was a standard MacGregors night except Kaufman brought Heather. It was cool to actuallly get to meet the girl. I was starting to think she didn’t actually exist 😉 Friday night was considerably more fun. Supposedly there was a Toga party at the deuce.…

  • Justin’s Page

    So Justin busted out a new site, and he finally put some content on it. Give him mad props for running his own DNS and web server. Here’s a link to Tinfoil Soldier: Justin’s Site

  • Server Migration

    I did a little bit of rearranging in the server closet this past weekend. I formatted my main Linux server and put Windows XP on it so I could play more games. I decided I needed some form of diversion. World of Warcraft has been great lately. I’ve spent a lot of time playing that…

  • Chickens

    Chickens are a funny animal. If there is a group of chickens, and one of them is different, the rest of the chickens will peck at that one. Eventually that different chicken will get bloody, it’ll lose its feathers. Eventually the group of chickens will single that one out and peck it until it dies.…

  • Sarcasm and Satire

    This is a post dedicated to irreverance, sarcasm, and satire. I stumbled across a new page on the internets, and it made me revisit some old pages I haven’t been to in a while. Encyclopedia Dramatica is quite possibly the best use of a wiki I have ever seen in my life. A wiki is…

  • Golf, Tennis, and Email

    This weekend we had the golf pros and tennis hos party. It was a damn good time. It was fun to see everyone dressed up again. I must say that Brandon and Gavin go all out for the theme parties. Everyone enjoys it. Here is a prime example. So I’ve got a picture of me…

  • An RSS Test

    I’ve got an RSS feed up for this site. Check it out at Enjoy it. Live bookmark it with mozilla, or add it to your aggregator.

  • Cloud Howto

    If anyone wants to know how to setup root dns, proxy ssh, ntp, qmail, apache, mysql, and nagios then give this document a try. You’ll learn a lot by looking through it.