Category: Uncategorized

  • Joost!

    I just started testing out the new Joost beta. GigaOM was giving out invites like mad so I decided to see what it was like. I can watch Aqua Teen and other Comedy Central shows, National Geographic, and my favorite on there so far… Fifth Gear. Absolutely awesome! The service itself seems pretty cool. Video…

  • Pidgin

    The Beta for Pidgin (new GAIM) was released just the other day. I’m excited to see how this all works out. In other unrelated news I’m seriously considering the purchase of a Jeep YJ or TJ. It’d be fun to have a project vehicle.

  • Radar Love

    I was driving into work this morning and a thought popped into my head. I’d enjoy being in a long distance relationship again just so I could listen to “Radar Love” on the way to see my girl. Such a damn good driving song. —— When I get lonely, and I’m sure I’ve had enough…

  • Gallery Upgrade

    Just upgraded my Gallery to 2.2. The feature I’ve been looking forward to in this version is autorotation of images based on EXIF orientation data. When I tilt the camera to take a vertical pic the camera knows and writes this to the .jpg file. Gallery then auto rotates the file when I upload it.…

  • Social Interaction

    I was hanging out at East Village the other night and I was referred to as “Talky McTalkerson”. If you know me at all (which I assume you do since you’re here), you’ll immediately see the sarcasm. I started thinking about this. I’m usually really quiet when we go out. Some nights I’m more talkative…

  • SSL and Certs

    I spent most of today learning about certs and CAs. Wikipedia helped out a bit here. I just woke up this morning and said to myself.. “Man, I wonder how certs work. I used to know, or thought I understood, but I just don’t get it anymore” After I spent some time learning about certs…

  • Simple Man

    This is an amazing song. I wish someone would have given me this advice a long time ago. Mama told me when I was young Come sit beside me, my only son And listen closely to what I say. And if you do this It will help you some sunny day. Take your time… don’t…

  • Comments

    I lately got BLASTED by a bunch of bots posting comments about Cialis and Viagra. Apparently they scanned the contents of this site and assumed I would be a good candidate for penis pills. Fucking comment bots. I think I’m going to password protect the comments somehow. Any thoughts on the best way to do…

  • Wilmington

    Last weekend was memorial weekend. It was an awesome time, and I had all three days of it off from work. Absolutely amazing. Sarah, my favorite girl in Wilmington, decided that I should spend my Friday night in her town trying to get as drunk as possible with as many of my friends as I…

  • DC

    I completely forgot to mention that I went to DC a few weekends back to visit Heather. It was awesome. I don’t have any pictures unfortunately. Let’s sum up the trip: Heather got us completely lost, and can never give me directions again 😉 We went out and did Saki bombs. Then we went and…