
Last weekend was memorial weekend. It was an awesome time, and I had all three days of it off from work. Absolutely amazing.

Sarah, my favorite girl in Wilmington, decided that I should spend my Friday night in her town trying to get as drunk as possible with as many of my friends as I could bring.

I took the Z, so I only brought Brendan.

Traffic was ridiculous when we FINALLY made it out of the Cisco parking lot at 6PM on a Friday. We went 40MPH for the first part of the trip, and spent the rest of it trying to see how fast we could go with my windshield wipers on and working.

As it turns out, they do work at 120. The wipers on the Kia quit at 65.

I took my Camera so I have some pics, but the batteries need to be replaced in the thing. I think I’m just going to go buy a new one sometime soon. The summer is coming and I’m going to need all kinds of new stuff for all the drinking, partying, and picture taking, I have planned.

So we show up at Sarah’s and meet her dog Roxy. Kind of strange that my sister also has a small dog named Roxy. Anyway… Here’s Brendan being sorry for making us late.

We went out to RumRunners which is gigantic compared to the one in Raleigh. We decided that buckets of beer were clearly the classiest way to go. Brendan and I split one and let the girls fend for themselves. (not true, but a funny story right?)

Not sure what this shot was. Maybe a popsicle? I’m pretty sure she didn’t like it. This was the first shot of many.

Sarah and Melissa looked like they were having fun.

Brendan was being his usual self. Pretty funny. Much more innocent than it looks. But that’s Brendan.

This was a good one.

Unfortunately the pictures end here, but that’s where the fun started.

We ran into a bachelorette party at Rum Runners and decided they weren’t having enough fun. Just 8 girls sitting around a big ass table doing nothing much. To rectify this situation we had to buy two rounds of dollar jello shots for all of them.

I think they appreciated it. How could you not like free drinks?

After a beer bucket, shots, yuengling, and more shots I was drunk. This is when Brendan decided he was much too cool for Rum Runners. We then spent about 30 minutes outside, even though the bars were down the street from each other.

Sarah spent some time on the phone with the fiance, and Brendan spent some quality time hitting on a married chick with an “open” relationship. Not sure how he runs into things like this.

After that trip we went into the Liquid Room for some dancing / drinking.

Sarah and Melissa couldn’t be talked into dancing. The only reason I thought this was a good idea is because rounds of shots just kept magically appearing.

Lo and behold… we see the whole bachelorette party at the bar we’re at. There was a Cisco / Bride sandwich at one point, and a ridiculously cute brunette. After some time spent dancing and some time spent time traveling, it was time to go home.. or out for food. Same thing really.

We head downstairs to find more alcohol first. There was a round of shots and then Brendan met the love of his life again. Apparently this girl Jen was from Rochester. Apparently she was hot, and fun, and decided to leave Brendan a #. w00t.

Pizza ensued. It was awesome.

We walked around aimlessly wondering how we would get home for a while. We sat on some steps. Someone lost shoes. Good times.

Apparently between the cab ride and the apartment Brendan lost his wallet. Suck. So I picked up the tab for the rest of his weekend 😛

The morning had in store “The Golden Egg”. A breakfast place that served you wearing short skirts, and bursting shirts. A lucky coincidence that we got a side of breasts to go with our eggs in the morning.

The ride home was perfect convertible weather. I think I spent the rest of the day napping, or doing something random.

That was my trip to Wilmington. Thanks to Sarah for letting Brendan stay in her apartment. I always appreciate having a place to sleep.

There will have to be more trips to Wilmington to explore the place at night.



