Author: Jason Burns

  • An RSS Test

    I’ve got an RSS feed up for this site. Check it out at Enjoy it. Live bookmark it with mozilla, or add it to your aggregator.

  • Cloud Howto

    If anyone wants to know how to setup root dns, proxy ssh, ntp, qmail, apache, mysql, and nagios then give this document a try. You’ll learn a lot by looking through it.

  • Happy Hour

    So, like everyone else, I keep gettting called about happy hours at Tiki Bob’s. When should I have it? the 17th, 18th, or 19th? Leave some comments.. let me know

  • New Domains

    So, you can get to this site a million and a half different ways now. I went on a DNS / Domain Name bonanza.

  • Winter Quarter

    So Winter Quarter has been absolutely crazy here. I’ve had more work than I can handle. I can’t think of all the things I have to do all at the same time, or else I have some sort of meltdown. On the bright side, it’s week 8 now and eventually I’ll wade through all the…

  • l337 h4X0r

    Who’s a leet hacker? This guy. Just got done winning the ISTS competition. My team rocked. What a long day that was. Hacking away from 8am to 7pm on a Saturday. Who gets up at 8 on a saturday. I had a blast all day long because my team was made up of some of…

  • Christmas Break

    So break is over with and classes are here again. I might as well give you a little rundown of how my break went. I spent the first few days hanging out here in Rochester catching up on some MPLS reading, and then dropping a whole wad of cash on fixing up some random things…

  • Good Movie

    So I have a new favorite movie. When my sister was up over break she made me watch “Garden State” I didn’t really want to see any movie that involved NJ, but I was talked into it, and then completely amazed. First of all it had Natalie Portman. This alone makes any movie worth watching.…

  • Random Lyric

    and in a dream I’m a different me with a perfect you we fit perfectly and for once in my life I feel complete and I still want to ruin it afraid to look as clear as day this plan has long been underway I hear them call I cannot stay the voice inviting me…

  • Old Man

    So, apparently I look a bit older than I actually am. I get that all the time from people, but last night out with Nick this 19 yr old girl told me she thought I was 27. Am I getting old? What’s that all about?