New Domains

So, you can get to this site a million and a half different ways now.

I went on a DNS / Domain Name bonanza. <-- may be deprecated in future releases So there is a funny story about all of that.. If you know me at all, and hang around at RIT you know that everyone calls me "burns" and there has been a long standing joke that everything good starts with B's.. well, sausage is good, so, it became bsausage. from then on out everything got B's in front of it.. like bburns, and bsode, but one b wasn't enough.. oh no.. mr soderlund decided that a chorus of Bs would be more appropriate.. so bbbburns was bbbborn. We've been getting into doing crazy DNS lately, because we wanted to do all the hosting for So now that we have our DNS setup, everyone needed a domain name. i was, but that's really way to long of a name.. it's third level.. screw that.. i needed a well, there is a command in linux, called whatis. you can type

burns@burns# whatis burns
burns: nothing appropriate

so, nothing appropriate was a perfect domain name..

oh, ward decided that he needed a new domain.. so he got “” and it was good.

anyway.. enough of all that. i doubt you even care anyway..

The interview with Cisco went well… Supposedly I’ll be getting a phone interview sometime coming up here. That would be hot, but we’ll see about all of that. I promised you an update on that, so there it is.

It’s back to work for me. I’ve got so much to do, and barely enough time to do it in. So i should probably stop procrastinating.



