• Houses – Life- Stuff

    Ever since the first one of my friends said “I’m buying a house” I’ve had a strange sinking feeling. A vague unease that I haven’t been able to describe. I haven’t been able to express my displeasure with the concept, or why it just wasn’t quite right. Something just screamed out to me: Wrong, we’re…

  • Number 16, I will miss you

    I had my Top Left Wisdom Tooth pulled today. Tooth #16. The dentist did a good job. It was a pretty big effort judging by how sore my skull is right now, but I was in and out of the office in 45 minutes. Pretty good time. I learned a valuable lesson. I must NEVER…

  • Vista PC

    I bought a new PC and am rocking the Vista on it. I’ve also installed WoW, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. I play all of these on high cranked up to 1680×1050. It looks so smooth and awesome. Dual GeForce 8800 GTS 512s in SLI will do that. So far I like Vista. I will…

  • CCIE Attempt #2 – FAIL

    Took a while to update this one. I failed my most recent round of CCIE testing. I did better than the first time, but not good enough to pass. I knew all of the answers, but I was not calm, cool, or collected enough to correctly apply this information in a timed test. Next time…

  • CCIE Attempt #2

    I looked back and read my first post on my first CCIE attempt. All of those things apply again. I was more nervous than I should have been and made stupid mistakes because of it int ser 1/0:23 shut left unchecked for several hours.. then me doing my testing wondering.. wtf why isn’t that working?…

  • 1 – Click Ordering, The Evolution

    I was pleasantly surprised the other day at Amazon.com by 1 – Click ordering. I was buying some MP3s (I know.. I could have just downloaded them for free.. but I feel better about myself and I’m not hurting for cash) and I just clicked buy. All of the sudden, the transaction was over and…

  • Christmas and New Years

    It’s taken me a while to get around to posting, but the holidays around here were a pretty good time. There was some celebrating, and a lot of relaxing. Mostly relaxing. But I do have pictures of the celebrating part. Let me give you some of the high lights. Wes had a party over at…

  • CCIE Attempt #1 – FAIL

    I got my CCIE Voice Lab score report this morning. I failed. Time to sign up for the test again and give it another try. I would say that I was close.. but I don’t know that for sure. In fact I even got 0% in some of the sections. Apparently I need to try…

  • CCIE Attempt #1

    We’ll call this post CCIE attempt number 1. I’ve completed my first attempt at the CCIE. I’m not sure how high in number these posts will get. I sat down, read through the test.. and then said WTF on about 4 or 5 of the questions. Most everything was doable… but some of it was…

  • Error messages and serviceabilty

    Justin had some interesting comments on serviceability and error messages: http://tinfoilsoldier.com/blog/2007/11/02/net-helpmsg/ I run into this crap CONSTANTLY day after day trying to figure out what a certain error message means. Turns out it all depends on who programmed the lines of code spitting out your specific error. Suck! We need to make this better from…


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