Being in NC is a little lonely sometimes. Somehow I feel like I lost some of the people who understand.
It was a gradual process, and it started with two girls I should have never lost touch with after highschool. I don’t know if either of you even read this. /shrug. If you do, you should come visit in NC. I have extra space.
It kept going after that. It would be too depressing to list all of the amazing people that slipped away, that maybe shouldnt have.
But that is definitely only a “maybe”. Maybe it’s all better that way. People grow, find new friends, move on to different things.
I still can’t help but be a little nostalgic when I think about great times with old friends that I’ll probably never see again. Who can forget things like the trampoline, dancing ballerinas, innappropriate attire for bike rides, staying after school to hang out, doctors appointments on Wednesday, scheduling classes together, and so many more things.
And then there are more recent departures: People I’ve shared almost all of my college life with. The relationships I thought would never end. The people I bitched to about said relationship problems, and events that I had. Faculty who I thought would perpetually cause me hardship by requiring endless papers and projects.
Well. It’s been fun.
As a good friend of mine had printed on her yearbook.
“So long, and thanks for all the fish.”
Let’s see what tomorrow brings.