So I finally broke down and bought an iPod nano. I’d take picture of it for you, but my camera’s batteries have been dead since I got to NC, and my charger has been in Rochester for a month.
Anyway, I got the iPod and I’m listening to it right now. It helps with work. Computer stuff is always more fun with music to listen to.
Still doing the work thing @, and actually enjoying it. Waiting on the full time offer at the moment. We’ll see how all of that works out. Things like money are sensitive subjects. Especially when the difference between two competing job offers could mean buying a brand new Yamaha R1 every single year. That happens to be a lot of money.
Money, or job satisfaction? Tough choice.
Girls from Pennsylvania are strange. I really don’t like that state, and now it’s just been confirmed even further. 😉 There isn’t much more to say about that on the Internet. Even though you all know I love spilling all kinds of personal garbage in this thing.
I do not enjoy dependency issues in Linux. They make me angry. So, I’m going to turn my iPod up and try to figure out why the j2sdk is being such a bitch.
::Gives Java the Finger::