Bad Dreams

Nyquil and I haven’t been geting along very well lately.

I’ve been having some of the worst sleep ever. I wake up about every hour or so, and am usually in the middle of some of the strangest, or worst dreams I’ve ever had.

Some of the dreams have been great, and have involved things that .. well.. I can only dream about.. Those were pretty fun for everyone involved.

But in another one of my dreams I was talking to a family member about the Father’s side of my family, and I asked about my grandfather Paul. He kind of didn’t say anything for a while, so I sort of new what had happened. So I woke up this morning and called my dad to see how my grandfather was doing.

As it turns out his health isn’t all that great. So the dream wasn’t as true as it could have been, but still.. it’s kind of creepy. I don’t know if I heard he was ill from my friend Chuck a while ago, or if i just summoned it out of thin air in my dream.

So, although I’m starting to feel better, and not quite so sick.. I don’t know if Nyquil and I can continue this relationship. He’s sort of ruining the better part of my life (the part when I’m unconcious).



