Labor Day Weekend 07

Labor day weekend has been a glorious time so far.

It started out with motorcycles, moved on to drinking, and finished up with a slip and slide party.

I’m using today as a recovery day. I hurt everywhere from that damn slip and slide. Apparently the ground is hard as hell at Kaufman’s house. Pretty hard everywhere so I’m told.

Saturday we went out to Rum Runners

We had a good time there after we made it through the post game traffic downtown.

Kurt and Brendan pretended to be the Captain:
You and the Captain..

We lubed up with some shots:

Took some good group photos:
Happy Group

Brendan and Lauren made some awesome faces:
Awesome Face

And Kurt got molested on stage:

Molested Loving It Bad Boy

That sums up Rum Runners. There was some very drunk Cook Out after that… but I can’t say that I really remember all of it.

Sunday was the day of the Slip and Slide Party. I had been promised a cornucopia of hot college girls ready to slip and slide all day long in the hot sun wearing barely nothing and drinking like fish.

This did not come to pass… but I got to slipe and slide with a whole bunch of dudes.. and we still had fun with it. Got pretty drunk to boot. MMMM Keg of Yuengling.

Here’s Lauren’s butt just because she thought Kurt got too much camera action the night before:
Laurens Ass

And here’s some wet dudes. Do with it what you will.
Hose Down Nice Pose

And Just for Fun… Rey’s Balls!

And now… on with the Monday afternoon relaxing. Bring on the awesome.



