Social Interaction

I was hanging out at East Village the other night and I was referred to as “Talky McTalkerson”.

If you know me at all (which I assume you do since you’re here), you’ll immediately see the sarcasm.

I started thinking about this. I’m usually really quiet when we go out. Some nights I’m more talkative than others, but in general I’m very withdrawn in most social settings. Not to say that I’m not paying attention, just that I don’t usually have too much input on things. I like to think about them for… lets say.. 3 days.. and then I’ll have something to say.

Maybe my brain is just slower. Maybe I just like to let things stew. I’d say I don’t have much access to the inner workings of my head.

It’s like a black box.

I throw in random data, and several days later fully formed and well thought out ideas just magically appear out of freaking nowhere. The days in the interim period can involve drinking, video games, working, but I have no recollection of thinking about the input until random ideas spawn out of nowhere.

It’s interesting.

Back to the talkative part. I wonder if my life would be better / different if I were a little more talkative and a little more outgoing. I think definitely different. Better is so subjective though. I sort of like the process of slowly getting to know people or letting them get to know me. And sometimes I just have to wonder what it would be like to be really social and meet new friends every weekend.

I hate the friends I already have though 😉 (j/k) I don’t know if I could deal with any more. But seriously, having fewer friends is a nice strategy, because that means your relationship to each individual has that much more meaning.

Time for Easter dinner at Brendan’s place. I’ll let you know how that goes.



