Sarcasm and Satire

This is a post dedicated to irreverance, sarcasm, and satire. I stumbled across a new page on the internets, and it made me revisit some old pages I haven’t been to in a while.

Encyclopedia Dramatica is quite possibly the best use of a wiki I have ever seen in my life. A wiki is a page that multiple people are allowed to edit to contribute to the general knowledge of tons of topics. Think of it as a cross linked encyclopedia where everyone has access to make entries.

Let me give you a sample of some of my favorites. (Note: If you’re easily offended, don’t follow these. It’s a joke. Bitch.)


I especially enjoy what is quite possibly the funniest take on netspeak ever.

There are many more, and they’re all cross links. Now, more entries need to be made, because there are many subjects that are just missing information. I’ve been laughing for about 24 hours now just browsing through all of these pages.

I’ve also been prompted to visit The Best Page In The Universe

I remember why it’s the best page in the universe, and why I enjoyed the humor so much.

It fits my general mood. Just make fun of everything, because it’s not important, and it doesnt matter. Lighten up.



