Winter Quarter

So Winter Quarter has been absolutely crazy here. I’ve had more work than I can handle. I can’t think of all the things I have to do all at the same time, or else I have some sort of meltdown. On the bright side, it’s week 8 now and eventually I’ll wade through all the work and get out of this alive.

Fun things have been happening recently. Jen came up to visit last weekend. We were supposed to go see Lit in concert, but they cancelled, so we decided movies were a better way to spend our evening. We had a good time hanging out, going to dinner, and just generally enjoying each others company. That made this quarter seem a lot better.

In other intersting news I have a preliminary screening interview with Cisco today. If I get past this round of interviews they fly me down to North Carolina for a full day of intense interviewing by a whole bunch of different people to evaluate my technical skills.

I’m really excited about this. I think I have a lot to offer to Cisco in terms of knowledge and problem solving skills. Ward, Sode, and Goddard all got interviews too, so we’re looking forward to some good times in North Carolina. We’re trying to be optimistic about it. I’ve got an interview in a few minutes and here I am talking about it online, instead of studying routing protocols or something like that.

I think I need to do something here at home with my servers and computers. It’s been awhile since I’ve had the time to really play around with something fun. Maybe i’ll set up some DNS this week. That could be a fun time.

Anyway, interview time is approching, and I need to get out of here. I’ll keep you posted on how it went.

Ha, in related news; while Jen was here this weekend I got a fortune cookie that said

“All the preparation you’ve done will finally be paying off!”

Thats a pretty good fortune.



