Secret Asian Man

Brenton sparked this post. He needs to come back to RIT to visit. Doesnt eveyone agree? He’s got this job with the #removed for security reasons# or something like that. No one even knows. It’s so secret that I don’t even think he knows, because his story is never the same when you ask him about it 😛

So, I think that calling him “Secret Asian Man” is pretty appropriate.. You could use the “apropos” command, and it would tell you all about it.. Exactly..

So what else is new in Burns-land. Too much work. The quarter is thankfully coming to and end. After next all of my projects will have been successfully completed. I’m gettting sick of having so many team projects. It’s not that I don’t like teamwork. In fact I love working with teams, we get more done than I could ever do by myself, and I make a great team member, or team leader if I need to be. It’s just that having so many groups all at once, with school, work, and having to manage a real life somewhere in between there, makes everything so much harder.

I had some wicked crazy dreams this morning about all kinds of things. What it boils down to is that I woke up tired and angry. Does that ever happen to you? When someone does something in a dream that makes you so mad, that you’re mad at them for the rest of the day, even though they never actually did anything to make you mad.

I recently had a trip down memory lane. I can’t say that I enjoyed it. Sometimes thoughts of things that used to be are usually pretty distracting from the work that I need to be working on right now. However, I can say that from hindsight everything seems ok. So i’m glad I can look back on a stressful part of my life that happened more than 4 years ago, and say that I understand it, and i’m ok with it. I guess that you have no idea what i’m talking about, but it should make you happier that I at least grew as a person 😉 I’ve been reading too much Humanistic Psychology.

Anyway, life seems to be good right now, even if it is way too hectic, and my days are tooo long. I’m pretty sure I have almost everything I need to make me happy. And what is that you ask? Well.. it’s a future. When the future looks bright, and I can see myself going in a clear direction, and that direction is up, then things are pretty good.

But for now, I need to focus on my 8 page paper.. no more procrastination.



